
The Best Season to Sell a Home

Homebuyer's Guide

May 20, 2024

Hot take: The best time to sell a home isn’t necessarily spring.

There, I said it!

It’s not just when prices are high, rates are low, or when your partner, your mom, your best friend, or the guy on YouTube says you should.

The best time to sell is when it’s right for you. It’s when selling and moving are part of your journey to the next chapter in your life. Full stop.

That being said, each season does bring its own unique benefits to the home-selling process. Here’s a deeper dive into the perks of selling in each season, so you can help your clients make an informed decision.


Spring is often touted as the prime time to sell a home. And for good reason:

  • Seller Premiums: Homes sold in May typically net a 12.8% seller premium, meaning they sell for 12.8% above their market value. That’s a significant boost to your client’s bottom line.
  • Curb Appeal: Spring’s lush landscapes and blooming flowers enhance curb appeal, making homes more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Buyer Activity: With the weather warming up, buyers are more motivated to get out and explore properties.


Summer is another excellent time to list a home, offering several advantages:

  • Longer Days: Extended daylight hours give buyers more time to view properties after work or on weekends, increasing the chances of securing a sale.
  • School Schedules: Families with children often prefer to move during the summer break to avoid disrupting the school year, leading to a more focused and determined buyer pool.


While fall sees a slight decline in seller premiums, it still has its benefits:

  • Reduced Competition: By fall, many spring and summer listings have sold, meaning fewer homes are on the market. This can make your client’s home stand out more.
  • Serious Buyers: Buyers in the fall are often more serious and motivated, having missed out during the busier seasons.
  • Holiday Preparation: Selling and buying in the fall means homeowners can settle into their new place just in time to host the holidays.


Winter might seem like a challenging time to sell, but it has its own unique set of advantages:

  • Less Competition: Fewer homes are listed during winter, allowing those on the market to attract more attention.
  • Motivated Buyers: Winter buyers are often relocating for work or personal reasons and tend to be more serious about closing quickly.
  • Cozy Appeal: Homes can feel especially inviting during the winter months with warm, cozy staging.

As real estate agents, understanding the nuances of each season can help you guide your clients to the best possible outcomes, regardless of the time of year.

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